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Header2014 IRFC

Organisational Structure


Rugby Cricket Hockey
Organisational Structure and Committee Contacts For All Members


Dear Instonian

As the membership of our 3 sports clubs (Cricket, Rugby, Hockey) grows and as we go from strength to strength, it becomes increasing difficult for members to understand who is responsible for what in the club and who they can contact for help or information.

Furthermore, as we operate at shared premises with another entirely separate entity, Cooke RFC, many members are not aware of how the relationship between and assets of both clubs are jointly managed.

This document has been prepared to provide members with:

  1. An explanation of how Instonians Sports Club is structured and managed and how we interact with Cooke; and
  2. Contact details for every Instonian within those various committees and groups who kindly volunteer and help run our clubs

The various committees and groups that make up the management structure of the club can often be seen as closed, secretive groups. For the avoidance of doubt, any member of Instonians is both very welcome and strongly encouraged to get involved in the running of the Club.

Every single member listed in the following pages is an unpaid volunteer, giving their own time to keep the club running for the benefit of all members.

From Mini Rugby, through Youth, all the way up to the senior club and older social members, your thoughts and actions on how we can make a better club for all would be much appreciated.

If you would like to get involved in the running of the club or simply help out in anyway, please don’t hesitate to contact me or any of the Instonian members listed in this document.

Many thanks


Neil Gillies

Chairman of Instonians Executive Committee

Mob: 07919 493 797

Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Overview of Instonians at Shaw’s Bridge Sports Complex

Having sold our grounds at Shane Park just off Stockmans Lane, Instonians purchased 50% of the grounds and assets at Shaws Bridge Sports Complex from Cooke RFC, taking up residence there in 1997.

Whilst both clubs exist as separate legal entities, a management organisation was established, Shaws Bridge Sports Association (SBSA), with its own constitution and accounts, to manage Shaws Bridge Sports Complex.



Shaws Bridge Sports Association

The objectives of SBSA are;

  • the promotion and provision of facilities for sports games and recreation; and
  • the provision and maintenance of club premises and facilities.



SBSA Structure

The diagram below shows the structure of SBSA.

The 5 Instonians on SBSA along with their contact details are shown in Appendix 1, Table 1.0

The management committee itself consists of 5 representatives from Instonians and 5 representatives from Cooke who meet monthly to discuss the business of the complex.

Every 12 months, the roles of Secretary and Chairperson rotate between the clubs.

The SBSA sub committees chairs also can rotate each year. The arrangement is that both clubs hold two chairs each year between the Council and the 3 sub committees.

Once a year the SBSA AGM is held at the club which any member of either club is entitled to attend to vote on any matters discussed.


SBSA Grounds Committee

The Grounds Committee is responsible for all aspects of the complex outside of the club house. Crucially, they manage the health and availability of pitches at the club, as well as the employment of the Groundsman.

The Grounds Committee consists of 2 representatives from Instonians and 2 representatives from Cooke who meet monthly. In reality, given the number of sports and teams across 2 separate clubs, this committee are in discussion on a daily basis.

The 2 Instonians on the Grounds Committee along with their contact details are shown in Appendix 1, Table 1.1


SBSA Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for all financial and legal aspects of running Shaws Bridge Sports complex. This includes managing the money paid by both clubs to SBSA for the up keep of the grounds and buildings. It also includes the preparation of an annual set of accounts for audit by an external organisation.

The Finance Committee consists of 2 representatives from Instonians and 2 representatives from Cooke who meet quarterly.

The 2 Instonians on the Finance Committee along with their contact details are shown in Appendix 1, Table 1.2


SBSA House and Bar Committee

The House and Bar Committee is responsible for the upkeep of the club house including catering and bar facilities. This includes managing staff, suppliers, legal and compliance issues (eg recent covid rules) cleaning, maintenance and hygiene, room booking etc.

The House and Bar consists of 2 representatives from Instonians and 2 representatives from Cooke who meet monthly.

The 2 Instonians on the House and Bar Committee along with their contact details are shown in Appendix 1, Table 1.3


Instonians Executive and Three Sports Committees

The diagram below shows the structure of Instonians Sports Clubs.

A full list of all members holding positions in these committees can be found in Appendix 2.



Instonians Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for the management of all property, business and affairs of the Instonians Sports Clubs. The Executive has its own constitution and rules.

It is made up of an Executive Chairperson, Secretary, Membership Secretry, Chairpersons of each sport, President, Vice President, Junior Vice President, Treasurer and SBSA representative. Other members may also attend meetings from time to time.

The Executive Committee meets on the second Thursday of each month.

Once a year the Instonians AGM is held at the club at which any member is entitled to attend to vote on any matters discussed.

The members on the Executive Committee along with their contact details are shown in Appendix 2, Table 2.0

The Chairman of the Executive and the Instonians President can attend any committee meeting of the Clubs.

Instonians Executive Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for managing the finances of Instonians sports club. This includes agreeing budgets for each sport, the management of deficits and preparation of annual accounts.

The Finance Committee is made up of the Instonians Honorary Treasurer, Instonians rep on the SBSA Finance Committee, as well as the Treasurer from each individual sport.

The members on the Finance Committee along with their contact details are shown in Appendix 2, Table 2.1


Instonians Sports Clubs President, Vice President and Junior Vice President

The President of Instonians is a voluntary role whereby the person in post represents all three sports at games and social functions. The position lasts for 12 months and at the end of each tenure, the Senior Vice President moves into post. The Junior Vice President becomes the Senior Vice President. At that point, a new Junior Vice President joins.

The President, Senior Vice President and Junior Vice Presidents along with their contact details are shown in Appendix 2, Table 2.2


Hockey Committee

There are currently 2 Hockey Committees operating as the Ladies Club becomes fully integrated with the wider Instonians Family. Both committees are responsible for the management of all thing’s hockey related, both on and off the pitch.

They are made up with a Chair, Committee Chair, Secretary, Treasurer/Membership Secretary, Fixtures Secretary, Youth Co-ordinator, Head Coach and various other club members that ensure the smooth running of the hockey section

The Hockey Committee usually meets on the first Monday of each month pending availability of members. Any member of Instonians is welcome to attend.

Once a year the Hockey AGM is held at the club which any member is entitled to attend to vote on any matters discussed.

Inst Hockey Ltd is a joint venture company between the Instonian Club and RBAI with responsibility for hockey pitch maintenance operations and replacement.

It has its own board of directors, 50% RBAI and 50 Instonians Club members.

The members on the Hockey Committee along with their contact details are shown in Appendix 2, in Table 2.3.1 and Table 2.3.2

Rugby Committee

The Rugby Committee is responsible for the management of all thing’s rugby related, both on and off the pitch.

It is made up with a Chairperson, Secretary, Director of Rugby, Minis and Youth Conveyor, Membership Secretary, President, Vice President, Junior Vice President, Treasurer, Fund Raising Manager and a number of other Instonians who help keep everything moving in the right direction.

The Rugby Committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Any member of Instonians is welcome to attend.

Once a year the Rugby AGM is held at the club which any member is entitled to attend to vote on any matters discussed.

The members on the Rugby Committee along with their contact details are shown in Appendix 2, Table 2.3


Cricket Committee

The Cricket Committee is responsible for the management of all things cricket related, both on and off the pitch.

It is made up with a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixtures Secretary, First Eleven Captain and various other club members that ensure the smooth running of the cricket section

The Cricket Committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Any member of Instonians is welcome to attend.

Once a year the Cricket AGM is held at the club which any member is entitled to attend to vote on any matters discussed.

The members on the Cricket Committee along with their contact details are shown in Appendix 2, Table 2.4


Table 1.0: Instonian SBSA Management Committee Members





Michael Hunter


+44 7714 959332

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Brian Clerkin

Finance Committee Chair

+44 7900 248275

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Ian Dickie

Member plus Grounds

+44 7802 326455

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Norman Shannon

Member plus Chairman of Cricket

+44 7713 040319

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Clem Boyd

Member plus Director of Rugby

+44 7921 854459

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Table 1.1: Instonian SBSA Grounds Committee Members





Ian Dickie


+44 7802 326455

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Michael Fairbanks


+44 7747 608021

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David Robinson

Non-Voting Member

+44 7850 888505

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Table 1.2: Instonian SBSA Finance Committee Members





Brian Clerkin


+44 7900 248275

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Tom Reid

Elected Member / Inst Hockey Ltd

+44 7802 907 308

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Table 1.3: Instonian SBSA House and Bar Committee Members





Stephen Gray


+44 7542 306953

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Andrew Fullerton


+44 7801 753598

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Table 2.0: Instonian Executive Committee Members 





Neil Gillies


+07919 493 797

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Erica Luke

Honorary Secretary


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Chris Fleming

Honorary Treasurer

+44 7736 842551

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Brian Clerkin

Finance Convenor

+44 7900 248275

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Peter Bradley

Rugby Club Chairman


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Richard Palmer

Hockey Club Chairman Junior Vice President

+44 7557 783900

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Norman Shannon

Cricket Club Chairman

+44 7713 040319

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Keith O’Donnell


+44 7463 846866

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Peter Russell

Vice President

+44 7376 081698

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Michael Hunter

Elected Member / SBSA Representative

+44 7714 959332

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Tom Reid

Elected Member / Inst Hockey Ltd

+44 7802 907 308

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Table 2.1: Instonian Executive Finance Committee Members





Chris Fleming

Instonians Exec. Treasurer

+44 7736 842551

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Brian Clerkin

SBSA Finance Committee

+44 7900 248275

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Brian Shane

Rugby Club Treasurer

+44 7740 633966

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Andrew Corry

Hockey Club Treasurer

+44 7768 816827

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Andrew Agnew

Cricket Club Treasurer


  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Robbie Kirk


07709 092 644

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Table 2.2: Instonians Sports Clubs President, Vice President and Junior Vice President





Owen Lambert



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Keith O’Donnell

Vice President

+44 7463 846866

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Peter Russell

Junior Vice President

+44 7376 081698

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Table 2.3.1 : Instonians Hockey Committee Members





Richard Palmer


+44 7557 783900

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Henry Brown

Committee Chair

+44 7889 152183

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Gavin Lecky


+44 7591 927855


Andrew Corry

Treasurer/Membership Secretary

+44 7768 816827

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Tim Hogg

Fixtures Secretary

+44 7743 360955

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Paul Dickson

 Website updates


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Ben Palmer

Social Media

+44 7775 431431

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Ricky Lee

Youth Co-ordinator

+44 7730 619495

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Stephen Watt

Head Coach

+44 7903 731562

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Andrew Dumican


+44 7515 646454

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Table2.3.1 Instonians Ladies Hockey Committee Members





Jenny Magee



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Zara Crossan

Secretary/ Social Media/ Website updates

07515 362366

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Tory Kirkwood

Treasurer/Membership Secretary

07533 370911

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Vic Hamilton

Fixtures Secretary / 2s Captain

07429 284113

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Jemma Smyth

Youth Co-ordinator

07517 287771

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Kate Doak

Social Secretary

07428 612442

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Jade Neeley

1s Captain

07852 735463

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Tessa Stewart

1s VC

07834 348730

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Lauren Adair

2s VC

07572 420210

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Joelle Houston

3s Captain

07753 261479

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Jess Paterson

3s VC

07740 360747

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Table 2.4: Instonian Rugby Committee Members





Peter Bradley



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Michael Anderson


+44 7760 372237

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Brian Shane


+44 7740 633 966

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Owen Lambert

Ex Offico


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Keith O’Donnell

Ex Offico

+44 7463 846866

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Peter Russell

Junior Vice President

+44 7376 081698

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Clem Boyd

Director of Rugby

+44 7921 854459

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Mike Fairbanks

Mini and Youth Conveyor

+44 7747 608021

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Neil Gillies

Fundraising and Sponsorship

+7919 493 797

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Ken Keane

Committee Member

0774 040 8911

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Andy Fullerton

Committee Member

+44 7801 753598

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Peter Russell

Committee Member

+44 7376 081698

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Ashley Black

Committee Member

+44 7922 675320

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Scott Hanley

Committee Member U21

+44 7813 192797

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Ciara Maitland

Committee Member

+44 7523 805375

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Table 2.5: Instonian Cricket Committee Members





 Norman Shannon



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 Erica Luke



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 Andrew Agnew

 Treasurer Director of Youth Cricket


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 Paul Dickson

 Committee T /Social Media


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 Nikolai Smith

 Committee Senior Squad Coach


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 Andrew Rose

Recruitment / Chair of Selectors


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 Ian Hamilton

 Fixtures Secretary


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 Paddy Ellerby



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Gareth Robinson



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Johnny Peak



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Andrew White

First Eleven Captain


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Laura Milliken

Ladies captain

07523 236120

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Hugo Ellerby

Second XI captain


Rick McKibbin

Captain Fourth XI

07590 190898


Guy Corr

Midweek Captain

07850 380892

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