Hi Visitor
The Old Rivals and Quin Cup date has changed and tee off times are listed below.
Instonians Golf Society Programme for 2014
‘Old Rival’s Trophy’ &’ Quin Cup’
Thursday 22nd May** Shandon Park Golf Club
Tee off times 12.00pm - 1.30pm
** Please note change of date from 15th to 22nd May
Captain’s Day – ‘13 Captains Cup’
Thursday 5th June Dunmurry Golf Club
W.W.L.Taylor Cup - Instonians -v- The School
Thursday 26th June Dunmurry Golf Club ( to be confirmed )
President’s Day – ‘Don Mackenzie Memorial Cup’
Thursday 4th September Fortwilliam Golf Club
For further information on any of these events contact:
Hon. Sec. Gary Rainey garyjrainey@gmail.com or 07904562057
Alan Dunlop alan@esdni.com or 07718923419