Hi Visitor
Couple of admin items from the Secretary....
- Please read the attached UHU code of conduct update. This applies to all players, officials and spectators of the club.
- Also Steven has received a request for anyone within the club to complete a short survey on Mental Health in Sport. Please see below.
Happy Easter everyone!
From: jonathan.mcmeekin@ulsterhockey.com
Subject: Mental Health in Sport Survey
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2016 09:50:55 +0000
Dear Hon Secretary,
Please see below a link to some mental health research – I would be grateful if you could circulate to your club members for completion.
Jonathan McMeekin
Coach and Club Development Officer
Direct:028 9070 1417
Mobile : 07912320225
Ulster Hockey Union, Unit 5G Stirling House, 478 Castlereagh Road, Belfast, BT5 6BQ
From: Breslin, Gavin [mailto:g.breslin1@ulster.ac.uk]
Sent: 08 March 2016 12:47
To: Paul Donnelly
Cc: Paul Stephenson; Fiona.Teague@hscni.net
Subject: Mental health in Sport Survey
Dear all,
At Ulster we are researching mental health in sport and athlete’s mental health help seeking. Can you circulate widely, it should take 2- 3 minutes to complete
Dr Gavin Breslin
Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology
Course Director MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology
T: 02890368478
E: g.breslin1@ulster.ac.uk W: http://www.science.ulster.ac.uk/sesri/profiles/g.breslin.php
Social: Twitter @breslin_g