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# Web Link
1   Link   Cricket Europe - Ireland
2   Link   Irish Cricket Union
Irish Cricket Union website
3   Link   Bangor Cricket Club
4   Link   Carrickfergus Cricket Club
5   Link   Civil Service North Cricket Club
6   Link   Cliftonville Cricket Club
7   Link   Downpatrick Cricket Club
8   Link   Dunmurry Cricket Club
9   Link   Larne Cricket Club
10   Link   The Ulster Cricketer Magazine
11   Link   NCU - Northern Cricket Union
12   Link   NWCU - North Western Cricket Union
13   Link   LCU - Leinster Cricket Union
14   Link   MCU - Munster Cricket Union
15   Link   Cricinfo - Home of Cricket on the Net
16   Link   ICC - Internaional Cricket Council
17   Link   UCBSA - United Cricket Board of South Africa
18   Link   New Zealand Cricket
19   Link   Cricket Australia
20   Link   ECB - England Cricket Board